Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gotcha covered

My church's worship choir and praise band will be presenting a new musical production this Sunday called "Shelter." The music and testimonies serve as reminders that God's got us covered, whatever may come our way.
This has been our experience over the years. My family and I have been through some monumental struggles. Were it not for the perfect peace and shelter of the Almighty Father, we could have come unglued.
And, even now, there are issues we face on a daily basis - concern for family members, health issues, financial concerns, and a world that seems to be moving in the wrong direction.
But, because of our faith in Christ, who tells us not to worry because the Father's "gotcha covered," we have a contentment deep down that in every situation God is working for good (Romans 8:28). And because of that we have a perfect peace and the love of God that casts out fear. (1John 4:18)

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